






時間:50 分鐘

Lesson 6  Thanksgiving


1 了解感恩節的由來及意義。

2 教導學生牢記他人的恩惠,並適時表達謝意。

3 能使用(neverseldomsometimesoftenusuallyalways)談論日常活動的頻率。

4會運用be thankful/happy/sorry/sure... 的句型。


1. 本課主要在認識感恩節的由來及真正的意義。老師可藉此時機,告訴學生有關感恩節的故事及鼓勵養成互相幫忙、常感念上天的賜福、別人的恩惠,及表達謝意的習慣。在美國,這一天的習俗是家庭團聚,在外地打拼的家族成員,排除萬難返家團聚。可順便向學生介紹感恩節的應景食物,更要提醒學生珍惜與家人相聚的機會。

2. 本課另一個學習重點為談論日常活動的發生頻率,教師可藉著英語和學生談論個人從事各種活動及活動的頻率來引起動機,再談一談感恩節的由來及感恩節一向有哪些重要的活動及發生的頻率。

3. 利用頻率副詞表達日常活動的發生頻率,在這一課只要教這些副詞在句中一般的出現位置(not 的位置相同)

Warm Up


1. 介紹感恩節的由來和習俗

2. 課文情境說明


The Pilgrims were celebrating their harvest with a big Thanksgiving dinner. They also invited their Indian friends. People get together with their family and friends for a big dinner.



1. What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?
(They usually have a big meal with their family and friends. After the meal, they talk and watch TV together.)

2. What are they eating?
(They are eating turkey, corn, bread, mashed potatoes, gravy, and a pumpkin pie.)

3. When is Thanksgiving Day?
(It is on the fourth Thursday of November.)



Key Sentences

1. 本對話有兩個關鍵句:

We seldom have dinner together now.

I’m thankful I found a job.

(1) 第一句中seldom 為一頻率副詞,是本課的教學重點。

(2) 第二句I am thankful... 是本課要學習的句型之一。

2. 教學步驟:

(1) 讓學生跟著複誦做帶讀練習。

(3) 引導學生, 就部分關鍵句照樣造句,如:
a. We seldom play tennis in our PE class.
b. I am thankful I have wonderful parents.


Peter 家裡正享用Thanksgiving 晚餐。爸爸Mr. Brown 坐在桌首,媽媽Mrs. BrownPeterAmandaBill 都在座,Ted Wu 也應邀作客。桌上有火雞等感恩節的應景食物,大家開動前,先聽爸爸說話,接著大家一一表達這一年來最感謝的人及事。好一個溫馨、熱鬧的聚會。

The Brown family are having their Thanksgiving dinner. They also invite Ted Wu. There is turkey and other delicious food on the table. Before they start the dinner, Mr. Brown and the other people say something to show their thankfulness.

Q and A

1. 在播放Dialogue CD 讓學生聽之前,視學生程度,參考以下的題目,用中文或英文引導學生觀察情境圖並回答下列問題:
(1) How many people are there in the dining room? (Six people.)
(2) Who is the man in glasses? (He is Ted Wu.)
(3) Where is Amanda? (She is next to Ted.)

2. 接著提出以下問題(必要時寫在黑板上),幫助學生聽對話,能掌握重點。
(1) What holiday is it? (It’s Thanksgiving.)
(2) Who invited Ted to dinner? (The Brown family did.)
(3) What is Peter thankful for? (He is thankful he finally passed the Chinese test.)
(4) What is Ted thankful for?
(He is thankful he met Amanda, and he is also thankful the Brown family invited him to dinner.)



While Listening


1. 播放對話部分CD,請學生仔細聆聽。

2. 在學生聽完對話後,以是非題問學生以下的問題,以確認學生的理解是否正確:
(○) 1. The Brown family invited Ted to dinner.
(×) 2. Amanda is thankful s he passed the Chinese test.
(○) 3. Ted is thankful he met Amanda.
(○) 4. Bill is thankful he found a job.

3. 除了以上是非題以外,就對話內容問一些簡單的問題,如:
T: Who did the Brown family invite to dinner? (They invited Ted.)
T: What is Amanda thankful for?
(She is thankful she has a wonderful family and many good friends.)
T: Did Ted enjoy the Thanksgiving dinner? (Yes, he enjoyed it very much.)




1. I’m thankful we are all together on Thanksgiving.

(1) thankful「心存感謝」。其用法為be thankful to sb. for sth. / be thankful (that)...

I am thankful to my mother for taking good care of me.

Judy is thankful that her parents always encourage her.


「感恩節」是美國最重要的三大節日之一,每年十一月的第四個星期四這一天是感恩節。這節日起源於1620 年,初抵美國東北部的清教徒,飽受天寒地凍及糧食短缺之苦,為數不少的人因而遭遇病魔纏身而死亡。第二年清教徒靠著勤奮及印地安人的指導播種玉米等農作物的技術,在秋天收割時大豐收。為了感念上天的賜福、印地安人的協助,及親友的同心協力,得以度過種種的難關,因此以盛宴熱烈慶祝。這也就是感恩節的由來。在美國,這一天是家庭團聚的日子,在外地打拼的家族成員,都會排除萬難返家團聚。

2. This is my first Thanksgiving dinner.

Thanksgiving dinner 感恩節晚餐。教師可向學生介紹感恩節的應景食物,並提醒學生心存感念及珍惜與家人相聚的機會。「感恩節」的應景食物是火雞(turkey)、火雞填料(stuffing)、肉汁(gravy)、馬鈴薯泥(mashed potatoes)、玉米(corn)、南瓜派(pumpkin pie)、蔓越莓醬(cranberry sauce⋯⋯ 等。

3. I’m thankful I finally passed the Chinese test.

pass the test 通過考試;fail the test 沒通過考試。

He passed biology, but failed English.(他生物考試及格了,但英語沒及格。)



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